The Pastoral Development Department works alongside the local Church to resource and support its mission.
Our department resources and supports the mission of local parishes and deaneries.
We work to enable local pastoral planning, development, formation, training, transition, adaptation and change.
Mission Development | Enabling development of local mission plans by parishes and deaneries within the parameters of the Pastoral Plan and Church's mission.
Catechesis | Development of catechetical strategies, procurement of resources, training of catechists.
Ordained Ministry Development | Supporting the vicariate for clergy, vocations and the ongoing formation of priests.
Laity Development | Adult formation and training ranging from subject-relevant skills and knowledge to spirituality, networking and personal development.
Catholic Social Action | Co-ordinating the work of the Archdiocese relating to social justice and environmental issues compatible with Catholic Social Teaching, in keeping with Pope Francis’ encyclical 'Laudato Si’.
Stewardship | Helping the local Church to plan for a sustainable future by harnessing the gifts of time, talent and treasure.
10am - 2pm
The archdiocese is now recruiting and training volunteer facilitators to join the marriage preparation team. This new team will offer two marriage preparation courses for couples in 2025. If you are interested, please contact Moses Mui, Training Coordinator, at or sign up on the online enrolment form linked.
We offer a variety of formation and training opportunities to support your ministry or your personal growth in faith.
Are you involved in any ministry in the Church? Are you interested in doing more for the Church? Do you want to expand your skills in pastoral leadership? A new online course in Catholic Pastoral Leadership might be what you are looking for.
The Sacraments are actions of the Holy Spirit working through the Church and are tangible ways in which God continues to minister to His people.
Connect with the charities and organisations active in our archdiocese, from Nugent to Caritas, CAFOD, to Feeding Liverpool.
Our resident team of young people who minister to other young people through retreats, events and formation.
This project exists to help people to grow in their spiritual life and to come to see God at work in thier lives - they are based in a retreat centre in Crosby.
These resources are here to equip anyone interested in the synod and to help all involved to approach the synodal process with an open disposition.
If you would like to join in a Mass with BSL Signing, please contact Fr Martin Kershaw in St Helens. The Deaf and Sign Community Service at Caritas in Nugent offers specialised support in Merseyside including BSL sign language classes, an arts and drama group, interpretation service, health awareness services and support in all areas of spiritual and pastoral life for people who are Deaf.
Dementia friendly activities from the Irenaeus Project include ‘Songs we remember’, a sing-along and Dementia awareness sessions. Please contact Sr Moira Meeghan at Irenaeus to find out more.
For Masses and community support, please contact Fr Steve Maloney. Masses and meetings are normally held at St Richard’s, Mayfield Street, Atherton, M46 0AQ.
Our bulletin offers a wealth of information, tips and resources that may be of help or interest to those who work in pastoral ministry or those wish to develop their faith. We promote events that are open to everyone, either in-person or via Zoom/Teams/YouTube, etc.