
The Irenaeus Project
Jesus Youth


During Advent 2024, a new edition of the Lectionary, the book which contains the readings for Masses and services, will come into use in England and Wales.

The new edition uses the English Standard Version- Catholic Edition for the readings and the Abbey Psalms and Canticles for the Responsorial Psalms.

The word of God is in no way less than the Body of Christ; nor should it be received less worthily. I ask you, brothers or sisters, tell me:  which to you seems the greater, the word of God, or the Body of Christ? If you wish to say what is true you will have to answer that the word of God is not less than the Body of Christ.

Therefore just as when the Body of Christ is administered to us, what care do we not use so that nothing of it falls from our hands to the ground, so should we with equal care see that the word of God which is being imparted to us shall not be lost to our soul, while we speak or think of something else.

For he who listens carelessly to the word of God is not less guilty than he who through his own inattention suffers the Body of Christ to fall to the ground.

For he who listens carelessly to the word of God is not less guilty than he who through his own inattention suffers the Body of Christ to fall to the ground.

St Caesarius of Arles (469-541) Sermo 300

“the Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures as she has venerated the Lord’s body, in that she never ceases, above all in the sacred liturgy, to partake of the bread of life and to offer it to the faithful from the one table of the word of God and the body of Christ”

(Dei Verbum, 21).

He is present in His word, since it is He Himself who speaks when the holy scriptures are read in the Church. [SC 7]

Achievements from the last change of lectionary include:

- Transformed our understanding of the Mass

- The Lectionary significantly opened up the treasures of scripture

- The shape of the Liturgy of the Word has become the predominant model of prayer

- The Lectionary has shaped our understanding of the Liturgical Year — as scripturally based (and of Sacraments etc.)​

- The 3 Year cycle is seen as part of the natural order of things​

- The principle of semi-continuous and harmonisation, even if not recognised, are appreciated​

- The Scripture readings are seen as core text of our Sunday celebration​ shaping the homily, choice of music and can inspire liturgical environment

- Renews our understanding of Homily​

- Restored the Prayer of the Faithful​

- Revised Common Lectionary​ with wide-spread use across non-Catholic/Orthodox denominations

Source: CBCEW

Why is the new lectionary important?

The Bishops’ conference of England and Wales has shared a video from Fr Paul Denney from the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh about the importance of the lectionary:

Why is the new lectionary important? - Catholic Bishops' Conference