All events coming up in the Archdiocese of Liverpool.
6:30PM - 8:00PM
The next Archdiocesan Young Adult Group meeting will take place at the Pauline Book Centre on Tuesday 25 February. We will start at 18.30pm and refreshments will be provided. Anyone aged 18-35 is welcome to attend. The theme is Praying with Venerable Elizabeth Prout. For more information, please contact Moses at:
10:30AM - 12:00PM
The next series of Scripture Mornings conducted by Fr Chris will be The call of Hosea to turn our hearts back to God. Zoom links are also available if you cannot be there in person - contact
10am - 2pm
The archdiocese is now recruiting and training volunteer facilitators to join the marriage preparation team. This new team will offer two marriage preparation courses for couples in 2025. If you are interested, please contact Moses Mui, Training Coordinator, at or sign up on the online enrolment form linked.
10:30AM - 12:00PM
The next series of Scripture Mornings conducted by Fr Chris will be The call of Hosea to turn our hearts back to God. Zoom links are also available if you cannot be there in person - contact
The Irenaeus Project will be hosting a Silent Retreat called Journeying through the Wilderness, led by Sr Moira Meeghan between 7-9 March. Residential places are available for £95, while Non-residential places are also available. To book, and for more information, email or phone 0151 949 1199
3:00PM - 4:00PM
This Rite of Election Service will see individuals from across the Archdiocese come together to enrol for baptism or full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter. Those who are yet to be baptised will be invited to sign their names in the Book of the Elect in the presence of their sponsors, family and friends.
10:00AM - 4:00PM
In the midst of their busy lives, Jesus invited the disciples to "Come apart and rest for a while." Why not take time to respond to this invitation and join The Sisters of Our Lady of the Cenacle for a time of prayer and quiet. No need to book, just come along and maybe bring a friend/ For further information, contact Sr Winnie Morley on 0151 722 2271
The Irenaeus Project will be hosting a Eucharistic Ministry Training Day. Parishes are invited to book their place by emailing, or calling 0151 949 1199.
1:00PM - 3:00PM
This interactive and short session covers the basics of UK data protection rules (as they apply in a school setting) and then provides you with the confidence and know-how to manage a “basic to intermediate” Data Subject Access Request (DSAR). There will be Q&A and interactive school-based scenarios throughout. The scenarios are distributed to attendees ahead of the session.
Professor John Sullivan will lead the latest Newman Association Talk called: : "Christians and Contemporary Culture." How should Christians relate to the culture of our place and time? How have they done so in the past? The challenges and opportunities of fitting in or being different. All are welcome to attend.
This year’s Mass for St Oscar Romero will be celebrated at St Edmund of Canterbury. All are welcome to join.
10:00AM - 4:00PM
We all need time to stop, ponder, be still, be find it hard to have the time. Why not come for a few hours, with like minded people, and just stop and be away from the daily round of life? Bring your own lunch, tea/coffee provided, suggested offering £10 No need to book, just come along and maybe bring a friend. For further information contact Sr Winnie, Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, L15 6TW tel 0151 722 2271
1:00PM - 3:00PM
When it comes to data breaches in schools and trusts, just like any other organisation, it’s usually not a question of “if” but “when”. Apart from the potential damage and distress caused to individuals, a data breach is usually expensive todeal with, both in terms of time and money, can damage your reputation, attractunwanted scrutiny from regulators, the media and your community and result in enforcement action. Knowing how to react can be the difference between enforcement action (or a legal claim) or no action. This session also looks at sharing personal data with third party service providers such as EdTech.
Join the Liverpool Bach Collective, as they present Evening Prayer and Cantata at SFX Church. It is Cantata 37, which translates as He who believes. All are welcome to attend.