
Mysteries made present

The Sacraments are actions of the Holy Spirit working through the Church and are tangible ways in which God continues to minister to His people.

The Irenaeus Project
Jesus Youth


Through baptism, we are born again into the family of God. Here is how we resource and support families who want to have their children baptised.

The Eucharist | With You Always

The With You Always resource is for parents and their children in school year 4, aged 8-9 who are preparing for Reconciliation and First Communion. The resource encourages parents/carers and children to meet together with parish catechists, supported by the school, to learn about the Sacraments using the Family Catechesis method. Family Catechesis is simply parents talking to their children about the Faith, in the context of the welcoming and supportive parish.

The With You Always Sacramental Preparation Materials can now be ordered directly from Gemini Print. Here you can find the order form.

Confirmation | Called

Called is our official confirmation programme, which is structured into four separate stages. Here is everything you need to lead the programme.

Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation is essential to have a Catholic marriage and it is a great space to explore how to sustain a healthy and loving relationship. Here you can find more information on the current provision.