Our workforce are the most valuable resource in our schools and as such we care about their ongoing development.
We are committed to improving the quality of education in our primary schools and making sure our schools receive the timely focused support they need. We manage a team of Schools Improvement Partners (SIP) across all eight local authorities and collaborate with various organisations and external partners to deliver the best education for our children.
Our schools can choose to pay a Trust membership of £800.00 per year to access discounted subscriptions, free training and CPD opportunities throughout the year. At the moment, many of our schools are subscribed to the National College and National Online Safety, School Bus and SeeSaw. All training events and CPD listed below are free of charge to our members (unless stated otherwise). If you are not an Archdiocesan school but would like to join our training days, this would be at a cost of £100 per delegate. Please get in touch for more information.
We also offer a SIP service which is priced at £2,750.00 per year. We have a range of highly experienced SIPs who are consultants, recently retired headteachers or current serving headteachers. The SIP service ensures you are allocated 3 face to face days of SIP support. The SIP will be allocated an additional 2 days to research your school, plan their visits and write three reports per year (Autumn, Spring and Summer).
1:00PM - 3:00PM
This interactive and short session covers the basics of UK data protection rules (as they apply in a school setting) and then provides you with the confidence and know-how to manage a “basic to intermediate” Data Subject Access Request (DSAR). There will be Q&A and interactive school-based scenarios throughout. The scenarios are distributed to attendees ahead of the session.
1:00PM - 3:00PM
When it comes to data breaches in schools and trusts, just like any other organisation, it’s usually not a question of “if” but “when”. Apart from the potential damage and distress caused to individuals, a data breach is usually expensive todeal with, both in terms of time and money, can damage your reputation, attractunwanted scrutiny from regulators, the media and your community and result in enforcement action. Knowing how to react can be the difference between enforcement action (or a legal claim) or no action. This session also looks at sharing personal data with third party service providers such as EdTech.
We are currently working closely with many partners and organisations to develop CPD opportunities for our schools. Please see a full list below, if you want to discuss any opportunity in more details please get in touch.
NPQ (National Professional Qualification) Programmes
NPQs are flexible professional development courses for teachers and leaders to improve skills, progress careers and deliver improved outcomes for schools.
The NPQs can be accessed through different local providers, please see the links below to find out
STEM Learning is the largest provider of education and careers support in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It is run locally through Science Learning Partnerships.
Catholic Primary Partnership
Catholic Primary Partnership promotes curriculum and professional development to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in member schools.
Tutor Trust
Tutor Trust is a registered charity which aims to help tackle educational inequality in a unique way. Their mission is to 'transform lives through tutoring' by making sure every child who needs some additional academic support can access a great tutor.
North West Catholic Diocese Training Programme (NWCDTP)
The NWCDTP forms, nourishes and sustains Catholic school leaders at all levels through cross-phase leadership training & formation programmes.
Pupil Book Study
It is a systematic toolkit that enables leaders and teachers to focus on evaluating their curriculum, teaching and learning in a precise, evidence-rich environment.
Commando Joe’s
Commando Joe's supports thousands of schools across the UK with their Character Education programmes.
ActivKids UK
ActivKids UK is a fundraising company for schools and unsponsored athletes.
Updated EEF guide for Pupil Premium
Updated guidance for Sports Premium
Science focused report from EEF
Improving Primary Science Guidance Report
Guidance - Initial teacher training and early career framework
Ofsted subject reports now available for PE, Geography and Music
Ofsted produced webinars for EYFS
Changes to Ofsted complaints process effective from Jan 2024 with further changes planned from April 2024
A summary of OFSTED's School Inspection Handbook (updated January 2024)
If you have any questions or if you would like to have a chat with us please see our contact details below, we would be delighted to hear from you: