Reporting concerns

Resolving issues

If you have concerns or complaints about a school, please report them so that we can promptly resolve the issue.

Our schools
Reporting concerns
Inspections & reports
Schools Improvement
School improvement
Teacher training
Schools finder
Property matters

Complaints about schools

Every school is required to have a complaints policy, a copy of which can be found on their website. All complaints about a school should follow the school’s published policy. Archdiocesan officers will be unable to intervene in any complaints until such time as the school complaints policy has been exhausted.

Please contact Gill Donohoe on:

Safeguarding concerns

Safeguarding concerns go directly to Ofsted or the Local Authority.


Our Safeguarding Department are responsible for the implementation of national safeguarding policy and procedures within the archdiocese. Please report any allegations of abuse or concerns within in the archdiocese but outside of the education environment to them so it can be promptly and properly investigated.