

Archdiocese of Liverpool strategy to develop Catholic multi academy trusts.

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Academy Strategy Foundation Director Recruitment

The Archdiocese of Liverpool is moving forward with its strategy to set up Catholic Multi Academy Trusts so that every school has a named allocated CMAT to join at the appropriate time. The governance of our CMATs is equally as critical to the establishment of successful Catholic schools as the governance of the schools themselves is and we are therefore pleased to commence the process for the initial recruitment of Foundation Directors. At this time the recruitment is specifically for the next phase of CMATs - CMATs 3, 5 and 8 - together with a general call for expressions of interest for Directors of any other CMAT in the archdiocese. We are also particularly interested to hear from people with a specific interest in governance in post-16 provision.

It is recognised that the role of Foundation Director of one of the new CMATs is wide-ranging and has a different focus to that of a governing body. For this reason, the archdiocese is commencing recruitment now to allow sufficient time for training and establishing robust governance structures prior to opening. It is proposed that, initially, each CMAT will aim to have a Board of Directors comprised of seven Foundation Directors. Further Foundation or Non-Foundation Directors may be appointed by the Archbishop at a later date according to the needs of the CMAT as long as the Foundation Directors are at all times in a majority of at least two over the total number of Non-Foundation Directors.

For the purposes of this initial recruitment, Foundation Directors are specified as being practising Catholics but all categories of Director will be appointed based on their skills and experience to ensure that the CMAT has the necessary skills and expertise at board level.

The timeline for this process is as follows:

18th September

Closing date for applications

25th September


2nd – 10th October inc.

Interview and selection panel(s)
Discussions with potential Chairs of Directors

13th October

Report on outcomes to Trustees recommending appointment of those selected

w/c 23rd October

Appointments confirmed subject to pre-appointment checks
DBS & S128 Checks commenced

Under canon law the Archbishop has the right to issue prescripts for his schools in his diocese.

Can. 806 §1. The diocesan bishop has the right to watch over and visit the Catholic schools in his territory, even those which members of religious institutes have founded or direct. He also issues prescripts which pertain to the general regulation of Catholic schools; these prescripts are valid also for schools which these religious direct, without prejudice, however, to their autonomy regarding the internal direction of their schools.

Our Catholic Multi-Academy Trusts

Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust

St Joseph Catholic Multi Academy Trust

All Saints Multi Academy Trust