Safeguarding training a success
minute read
September 15, 2023

At the end of August, the archdiocesan safeguarding team held a training session for members of the clergy at the St Margaret Clitherow Centre.

The sessions offered a chance for priests and deacons to refresh and build their knowledge.

The training was delivered by Sebastian Carro, the National Lead for the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA). He has specialised in safeguarding training for over 10 years and been with the CSSA since 2021.

It was well attended, and feedback from the day was positive including the quotes below:

“[There was] good interaction, and comments and questions were well dealt with.”

“There was a good variation of content. Claire (Newton – safeguarding officer) was present to relate things to the archdiocese specifically.”

“The course was very good overall. Well done!”

“Good insight into the subject.”

The next training session for clergy will be held on Wednesday 4 October, there is still time to book on, but spaces are limited. You can do by clicking here.