Archdiocese of Liverpool receives 'Results Being Achieved' from Safeguarding audit
minute read
January 30, 2024

The Archdiocese of Liverpool has received ‘Results Being Achieved’ following a safeguarding audit conducted by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA).

Following the week-long audit, the report highlighted strengths in all eight standards being observed.

The audit praised the archdiocese on a number of factors including communication of safeguarding messages; a clear zero-tolerance approach to abuse that is modelled and championed by the leadership; engagement and care given to survivors; the effective management of allegations and concerns; and the delivery of training and support for clergy and parishes.

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon said: “In the Archdiocese of Liverpool, safeguarding is of absolute paramount importance.

“We welcomed the CSSA to our archdiocese to conduct the thorough audit which included meetings with our safeguarding team, clergy, parish safeguarding reps, trustees and archdiocesan staff. We are delighted with the result of the audit.

“We are happy that the CSSA have recognised the many strengths of our safeguarding function, and we will take on board their areas for development to further strengthen our offering.” 

In their report, the CSSA said: “The Archdiocese of Liverpool engaged positively with the audit process and provided a wide range of evidence in order to demonstrate their safeguarding practice.

“The development of the safeguarding implementation plan is a good example of their desire to learn from past experiences and seek to develop better long-term solutions.

“Similarly, individuals spoken to reflected on their experiences of safeguarding, including contact with survivors, and how this had influenced them.”

The full report/executive summary can be viewed here.