Parish centres
Archdiocese appoints local drinks wholesaler
minute read
November 3, 2023

The Archdiocese of Liverpool has appointed a new wholesaler of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks as a supplier for its 37 parish centres.

The archdiocese’s subsidiary company APCMC appointed The Wigan Beer Company following a rigorous procurement procedure.

The contract will be for two years and was recommended to the finance committee and the trustees by a panel of parish priests who were advised by archdiocesan staff and parish centre managers.

Jill Boggan, director of finance at the Archdiocese of Liverpool, said: “We are delighted to be starting a contract with The Wigan Beer Company.

“The company is local with half of the staff having connections with the archdiocese, they have a strong focus on CSR and they offered an incredibly flexible service and an impressive combination of both price and service.

“We were also very impressed with their dedication to health & safety.”

Fr Graeme Dunne, who chaired the panel of priests said: “After a rigorous procurement process, we were pleased to select The Wigan Beer company as our new wholesaler.

“We were looking for value for money, flexibility, good practice and the valuing of staff and environment- all of which Wigan Beer offered.

“Wigan Beer is a local company, based in the heart of the archdiocese and that was also an important factor for the priests on the panel.”

Adam Jones, director at Wigan Beer, added: “We are delighted to be appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool. The appointment is a result of a very detailed tender process where we were able to demonstrate the benefits of working with a professional but flexible local supplier and we are looking forward to providing the high service levels that a customer of this size and stature deserves.”