Young Leaders Graduate from CAFOD's Youth Leadership Program at Metropolitan Cathedral
minute read
November 13, 2023

In a ceremony held at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, the North West Graduation for CAFOD’s Young Leadership Programme celebrated the achievements of young leaders from seven schools and colleges including Carmel College, Maricourt CHS, St John Bosco Arts College, and St Mary’s CHS.

The event marked the culmination of a year-long program where students in Year 13 demonstrated exceptional dedication to social justice and community service.

The morning saw several key people speak to the young leaders.

Ian Byrne, MP, shared his journey and encouraged the young audience to create change in their communities.

"It was wonderful to be part of such an inspiring event with so many young people wanting to put something back into their respective communities," he said afterwards.

Bishop John Arnold, Bishop of Salford, shared his experiences from his travels with CAFOD, highlighting the importance of long-term solutions and partnerships with communities for sustainable change. Quoting St. John Henry Newman, he reminded the audience that each person is created by God for a definite purpose.

Ciara Biswas-Graham, CAFOD’s Advocacy Assistant, then shared her inspiring journey with CAFOD, which also started during her school days, and discussed the organisation's role in shaping her passion for social justice.

In her speech, she highlighted CAFOD’s efforts to implement UK policy and public opinion toward a fairer society, emphasising the importance of faith-based organisations in mobilising communities.

Bishop Tom Neylon, leading the Graduation Service, guided the young leaders in an anointing ceremony, in which they were commissioned to, in the words of the prophet Micah, “act justly, be loving and compassionate, and walk humbly with their God”.

A significant moment during the ceremony was when the young people, representing their school's CAFOD Young Leader groups, brought symbols reflecting the central message of their groups to the altar.

The day also included feedback from the young leaders on the program. They shared how the experience had not only equipped them with essential leadership skills but also broadened their perspectives and deepened their understanding of social justice.

One student reflected, "CAFOD really gave a platform inschool where we were listened to, and it really amplified our voices. We wereable to get involved in campaigns and raise money and talk about thesethings."

In her speech, Kirstie Hutchinson, National Coordinator ofthe CAFOD Young Leadership Programme, commended the students for theirproactive nature and ability to work effectively as a team. She acknowledgedthe challenges they faced and encouraged them to continue dreaming and buildinghope, quoting Pope Francis: "Don't be scared! Dare to have fabulous plans.”

The event concluded on a note of celebration and gratitude, and with a reminder that their journey as CAFOD young leaders is not just a milestone but a beginning, filled with endless possibilities to create positive change and make the world a better place for all.

For more information about CAFOD’s Youth Leadership Program and how to get involved, please visit CAFOD’s official website.

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