Wigan celebrates St Patrick
minute read
May 14, 2024

St Patrick’s Church in Wigan celebrated their Patronal Feast in style!

As St Patrick’s Feast was transferred this year (due to falling on a Sunday in Lent), the festivities began two days earlier with a whole-school Procession, from School into Church, before Holy Mass.

During the Procession, St Patrick’s statue and various banners of St Patrick were carried, alongside children’s artwork and writing they had created about their Patron.

On the Sanctuary, St Patrick’s statue had been brightly adorned with beautiful flowers by the church’s talented team of flower arrangers and parishioners had arranged for the importation of shamrock from Ireland to complete the decorations.

Parish Priest, Father Ian O’Shea, was joined by Concelebrants Father Hugh Donleavy (Parish Curate), Canon Pat MacNally, and Deacon Mick Moffatt at the altar.

During his homily, delivered to an overflowing church, Father O’Shea encouraged the children to make a conscious effort to live more like Saint Patrick by trying to love each person of the Trinity more dearly.

Many in church commented that the schoolchildren’s singing was fantastic and a number in the congregation were seen drying their eyes during the recessional hymn which was, of course, Hail Glorious Saint Patrick.

Later that evening, a group of younger parishioners organised a St Patrick’s Night in the Parish.

The evening featured a performing Irish artist, DJ, raffle, and food; it was a true celebration of Irish culture and the influence of St Patrick in Wigan and beyond.

On Sunday 17th March, the celebrations continued as Parishioners were given shamrock to wear for Holy Mass, and the St Patrick’s Men’s Group enjoyed asocial later that week.

For more photographs and to listen to the children’s highly commended singing, please visit the church’s Facebook Page.

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