Welcoming new Catholics at St Teresa's, Upholland
minute read
May 14, 2024

The Easter Vigil at St Teresa’s Church in Upholland was an especially joyous occasion this year, as the parish welcomed several RCIA candidates into the Church.

The Vigil Mass was celebrated by Fr Anthony Cruz, who recently became the new chaplain at Wigan Infirmary. During the Mass, nine people received the sacrament of baptism, while 14 others received the sacraments of first holy communion and confirmation.

The newly initiated members of the Church have embarked on a journey of deepening their faith through Mystagogia, known as Growing In Faith Together (GIFT) at St. Teresa’s.

This period of reflection and formation allows individuals to explore the richness of the Catholic faith and deepen their understanding of the faith in community with fellow believers.

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