Third safeguarding session branded a success
minute read
October 9, 2023

In October, the archdiocesan safeguarding team held another training session for members of the clergy at our archdiocesan offices.

The sessions offered a chance for priests and deacons to refresh and build their knowledge.

The training was delivered by Sebastian Carro, the National Lead for the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA). He has specialised in safeguarding training for over 10 years and been with the CSSA since 2021.

It was well attended, including Archbishop Malcolm, Bishop Tom Neylon and archdiocesan trustees. Feedback from the day was overwhelmingly positive including the quotes below:

“It gave me practical skills to help support victims and where to refer them for support.”

“There was a shift in focus and narrative from safeguarding as a response to a problem to safeguarding as a way to possibly uphold the dignity of each person.”

“Participants were not frightened of asking any hard questions. There is a growing awareness of the importance of safeguarding: if it is well done, all are protected.”

“It’s good to have some training each year – it re-focuses and reminds us on what is so important and why.”

“Delivered as part of the safeguarding mission of the Church, it covered a broad range of essential principles, useful strategies and contacts to manage disclosures.”

“The course is very educational and enlightening, inspirational.”

“It was informative, enlightening and very relevant."