St Mary's, Leyland, celebrates diamond jubilee
minute read
May 14, 2024

“St Mary’s – a gem for Leyland’s new town centre” was how the Catholic Pictorial of 12 April 1964 described St Mary’s, Leyland.

 The parish was founded in 1845 by the Benedictines of Ampleforth Abbey and the new church was consecrated on 4 April 1964 by Archbishop George Andrew Beck in the presence of 4000 people.

Architecturally innovative and radical, beautiful and elegant, the church reflects the “noble simplicity” that the Second Vatican Council speaks of in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.

 On Sunday 7 April, Archbishop Malcolm joined parishioners for Mass to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the consecration of the church. Parish priest Fr Joe Bibby, said: “It was wonderful to see so many parishioners at the Diamond Jubilee Mass.

"We gathered to give thanks to Almighty God for our faith, our story, and our heritage, and we look forward to the future with renewed enthusiasm and hope.”

After Mass, parishioners gathered with Archbishop Malcolm to share memories, stories, and a beautiful buffet.

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