St Mary's, Astley, celebrates the retirement of Brother John Dawson
minute read
February 12, 2024

St Mary’s High School in Astley has said a sad farewell to Brother John Dawson at a celebration Mass in December. Br John retired after over 30 years of service to the school, working as school chaplain and assistant chaplain.

Monsignor Des Seddon celebrated the Mass, along with clergy from the school’s local parishes, and Brother John’s community, the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram.

Mass was attended by staff at the school and many guests who had worked alongside Br. John over the years, all of whom were eager to ensure that he knows how valued he is by all in the school community. 

Br. John has been an example of gentle and faithful service at St. Mary’s and is known for his slogan, ‘Smile and remember God loves you’. He is well-loved by staff and pupils alike. 

Denise Brahms, Headteacher, commented: ‘‘Brother John is a shining example of all that is best in a life of vocation and faith.  He is a model of humility, obedience, kindness, love and joy and our young people have been blessed by his presence.” 

“We will miss Br. John and wish him well for his retirement.” 

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