St Alban's Church celebrates Bicentenary
minute read
January 8, 2024

The Bicentenary of Saint Alban’s church was celebrated recently and proved to be a wonderful and exceptional occasion for all who had gathered. Archbishop Malcolm presided at the Mass, joined by several priests and many parishioners.  

During the two hundred years in the life of the church, notable people and events have been remembered in various special ways displayed within the church. This year, to mark the Bicentenary, two Frescoes have been created for the Lady Altar to replace those which had been damaged some time ago.  

Archbishop Malcolm blessed them during the Mass, and parish priest Canon Christopher Cunningham expressed his gratitude to Rose Dring, a parishioner, who used her talents and skills to paint the Frescoes.

In years to come, they will be a reminder of the church of today, identifying the welcome given to members of the congregation who come from many different walks of life.