South Liverpool parishes celebrate Living Simply
minute read
October 14, 2024

After a two-year process, the parishes of St Mary’s, Woolton and Our Lady of the Annunciation, Bishop Eton were delighted to receive CAFOD’s LiveSimply award recently.

The occasion was marked with a gathering in Bishop Eton’s garden, where Father Jim Casey blessed the awards, before the team walked together to St Mary’s for a reflective service outside, followed by a picnic.

The scheme encourages everyone to embed LiveSimply principles into the daily life of the parish and wider community. At the official launch, with “Creation Masses”, in 2022, parishioners were asked to sign up to pledge their support. This was followed by a plant swap and giveaway, with parishioners bringing seeds and cuttings to share. This is now an annual event.

Subsequent initiatives have included prayerful creation walks through local parks, as well as events to increase awareness, such as inviting WaterAid to help people appreciate this precious resource and hosting a “Question Time” event on the climate crisis. The Junior Justice & Peace group has provided inspiration with posters, talks and songs. ‘Nearly New’ fashion shows, meanwhile, have raised over £3,000 for charity. And recycling in general, has become a focal point of interest, education and activity.

Further initiatives are now being planned, such as local focus groups to share information on topics such as solar energy.

Father Tim Buckley, the parish priest, said: “I suggest the challenge now is not that we sit back and glory in all that has been achieved, but recognise that we’re called to live in this way every day of our lives, for there is no doubt that we and our planet are still in dire need of rescue.”

If any other parishes would like to contact the team at St Mary’s and Bishop Eton, they would be happy to help and equally to learn from others:

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