Scottish relics visit Metropolitan Cathedral
minute read
October 9, 2023

The Relics of Scottish Saints—St. Andrew, St. Margaret, and St. Columba—embarked on a sacred tour, making a stop at Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral from Monday 18 September to Thursday, 21 September.

The National Relic Tour of 2023, "The Sacred Journey," was an endeavour by the Knights of St. Columba to share the cherished relics of St. Columba, St. Andrew, and St. Margaret with members of the Catholic faith across the UK. The relics are not merely objects but vessels of history, faith, and spirituality that resonate with believers of all ages.

The tour went beyond showcasing relics; it deepened the faith of participants and connected them to the rich history of Catholicism. Moreover, it fostered a collective sense of devotion and spirituality, emphasizing the timeless nature of faith.

Fr. Michel Fitzsimons, the parish priest of St. Columba and St John Fisher in Huyton, greatly appreciated the opportunity to visit the relics of his Church’s namesake. His sentiment echoed the feelings of many who encountered the relics during their stay in Liverpool. It was a testament to the enduring power of faith and the vibrant tapestry of our religious heritage.

The relics visit was a spiritually enriching experience and a reminder that the spiritual presence of these saints continues to inspire and uplift the faithful in the modern age.

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