Religious Relics reunited in Widnes for the first time
minute read
August 12, 2024

A substantial number of First Class Relics have been reunited for the first time in Widnes.

Fr Thomas Clarke, Assistant Priest of St Wilfrid’s Parish in Widnes, said “I am delighted and overwhelmed to see these First Class Relics reunited and put on display for the first time in Widnes.

"The Relics are testimony of the Catholic history and faith in the town. Some are from the Appleton Mission, which preceded the establishment of St Bede’s Parish in 1847.

"Others relate to the time the Jesuits, who had been expelled from Germany, established St Michael’s Parish in the nineteenth century. Others are from former Parishes such as St Patrick’s and St Pius X”.

The collection of relics is now on display at St Michael’s church in Widnes.  

Fr Thomas added “These precious Relics have been stored away and some removed from the town for short periods, but now we have managed to bring them all together as one collection and put them on display for the parishioners to see for the first time.”

The Relics are indeed a unique insight into the Catholic church in Widnes.

Fr Thomas added: “Too often, these precious Relics are lost or discarded. Many are not on public display. They represent part of the Historical Faith and rich traditions of our Catholic Church.

"Many people find them a great aid to prayer and reflection contemplating the life of former servants and martyrs. It is indeed true to say they are a reflection of the Faith of our Fathers”

Anyone wishing to view the Relics can do so before Sunday and weekly Mass at St Michael’s Church in Widnes.

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