Pondering and Praying Vatican II with Archbishop John Wilson
minute read
April 8, 2024

The Archbishop of Southwark John Wilson recently visited Liverpool to launch and promote his book “Pondering and Praying Vatican II”, published by Pauline Books and Media.

The Second Vatican Council, a pivotal moment in Catholic history, has left an indelible mark on the Church's relationship with the modern world. Yet, despite its significance, many Catholics remain unfamiliar with its profound implications.

Recognising this gap, Archbishop John embarked on a mission together with Pauline Books and Media to illuminate the council's key themes in an accessible and engaging manner.

At the heart of Archbishop John’s book are the four seminal constitutions of Vatican II: Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium, Dei Verbum, and Gaudium et Spes.

Archbishop John summarises these documents in an easy-to-read format, condensing them down to easily digestible “amuse-bouches” which, he says, “gives you an introduction and maybe acts as a springboard into a deeper look at Vatican II”.

During the recent book launch event in Pauline Books and Media, Archbishop John shared his journey in writing the book, highlighting the council's enduring significance, before hosting a book-signing.

Sister Elaine commented at the book launch: “Its easy accessibility and attractive illustrations make it perfect for those who want to understand more about the crucial moment in the Catholic Church's history but are unsure just where to start.

"It has been written to help people engage with the legacy of Vatican II, and what it means for Catholic life and faith, as well as the church's relationship with the wider world.”

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