New Deacon ordained at St Anthony of Padua, Mossley Hill
minute read
September 9, 2024

Parishioners and clergy at St Anthony of Padua Church gathered on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary to witness one of their Franciscan friars being ordained as a transitional deacon.

Brother John Paul OFM Conv is originally from Leeds and will carry on his training in Oxford. However, he had pastoral placements in Liverpool and asked Fr Maximillian OFM Conv (the local superior) if the ordination could take place in the city.

Bishop Tom Neylon, VG, was the ordaining prelate, who was joined by numerous Franciscan priests and Fr Dominic OP from Blackfriars, Oxford.

During the homily, Bishop Tom recalled a photograph of a Franciscan Medical Missionary of Mary, who happened to be his aunt. He recalled her role in his early life and her role in the missionary work she undertook.

Bishop Tom asked the question of whether St Francis or St Clare ever considered what a revolution they were starting back in Assisi over 800 years ago.

Brother John Paul, who was also celebrating his birthday, was very grateful for all the support and prayers of those who had gathered.

Particularly the deacons who assisted during Mass, the work of Fr Terence OFM Conv, the parishioners young and old who cleaned the church and prepared the lunch and the music ministry.

After the Mass of Ordination, everyone moved to the parish hall for a buffet lunch, during which Fr Gerard May OFM Conv, invited the newly ordained deacon to cut the celebration cake.

We look forward to his priestly ordination in the coming months.

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