Metropolitan Cathedral hosts Mass for Peace
minute read
April 8, 2024

Peace in the Holy Land was the focus of prayers and reflection at a special Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Friday 8 March.

The Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, was organised in response to Cardinal Vincent Nichols’ call for a day of prayer for peace and his accompanying appeal for a ceasefire amid Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza.

The Mass, which started at 5pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, was preceded by silent adoration from 3pm. During the Mass, Archbishop Malcolm spoke of the connections between the Abrahamic faiths and referred to the significance of the presence in the cathedral of the sculpture ‘Abraham our Father in Faith’ by the late Sean Rice.

He also cited the Jewish and Muslim traditions in the city and the important contribution that both of those faith communities have made to Liverpool life.

Bishop Tom Neylon and several priests and deacons from the archdiocese concelebrated the Mass whose congregation included a contingent of Knights and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre.

Archbishop Malcolm, a member of that order, thanked them for their work with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem and offered good wishes to Michael Byrne, the lieutenant of the order who was present, regarding a forthcoming visit to Holy Land alongside Canon Mark Madden.

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