Metanoia Presentation by All Hallows, Penwortham
minute read
February 12, 2024

Recently, David Fraser of St Mary Magdalens and St Teresa’s SVP Conference accompanied Jen Murphy of the Metanoia Project in visiting All Hallows Secondary School, Penwortham.

David and another Conference member, Tim McKeogh, recently joined the Metanoia Project, helping the Conference reach the most vulnerable in our local community.

The project, as one of its ministries, runs the Diakonos Service Ministry, a weekly drop-in for anyone in need in Preston. The pupils forming the St Vincent de Paul Conference at the school have been selling hot chocolate at school lunchtimes to raise funds to help the homeless.

They presented Jen with a cheque for £100, plus bags of clothes, toiletries, and cakes.

Jen explained to the pupils that Metanoia means a total change of heart, a “spiritual conversion” and that Diakonos means “service”, in this case reaching out to those in need.

The pupils learned how homeless people are invited into the church to receive items they need, but in doing so they receive an experience of Jesus; “we can give out items, but we must also give out Jesus”.

Throughout the evening there was a chance for prayer, and every session ended with a group prayer.

Jen expressed her thanks to the children and staff, saying: “We praise God for this group from All Hallows for selling hot chocolate for us and wanting to serve Jesus so beautifully.

"Your enthusiasm and desire to continue to help those in need is really encouraging. We look forward to hearing about your next venture and visiting you again soon. Thank you!”

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