Mass for Gaza held amidst prayers for peace
minute read
June 10, 2024

English Martyrs Parish in Litherland celebrated a special Mass for Gaza on Sunday 28 April. The event, attended by parishioners and dignitaries alike, included prayers for peace and solidarity with the people of Gaza.

Bishop Tom Neylon led the Mass as principal celebrant, and the procession, which began outside of the church, included the Knights and Dames of the Holy Sepulchre, who joined the congregation in offering prayers for the wellbeing of those affected by the ongoing conflict and challenges in the area.

Fr Gabriel Romanelli, parish priest at Holy Family Parish in Gaza, was planning to spend a few days in the parish and attend the Mass during his visit to the UK, which included several other commitments, such as visiting the Catholic Bishops Conference, speaking to MPs and Lords in Parliament, and taking a brief trip to Glasgow.

However, he was called back to his parish in Jerusalem early and unfortunately had to cut his visit short. “I am very sorry to postpone my visit, but I hope to return soon to visit the archdiocese” he commented.

The Mass served as a reminder of the importance of standing together in solidarity with those facing hardship and conflict. As attendees offered their prayers and reflections, there was a shared sense of resolve to continue supporting efforts for peace in Gaza and beyond.

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