Hundreds of married couples and their families from across the archdiocese gathered at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Sunday 9 February to celebrate the Marriage and Family Life Mass during National Marriage Week.
The Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm, was a joyful occasion honouring the vocation of marriage. After the homily, the Archbishop invited all married couples to stand, face each other, and renew the promises they made on their wedding day. Those celebrating significant anniversaries this year were then invited to gather around the altar for a special blessing.
To mark the occasion, couples who had renewed their vows received a certificate of blessing after Mass. The celebration concluded with a tea reception in the Gibberd Room, where families had the opportunity to share fellowship and reflect on their journeys together.
During his homily, Archbishop Malcolm spoke about the deep meaning of sacramental marriage, reminding the congregation that “in the sacrament of marriage, there is a sign that we will be in one and unity with Jesus Christ, and we can see how the love of God is expressed for the couple, their children, and the wider community.”
He encouraged couples to trust in God's presence throughout their journey, saying: “No matter how far we have come along marriage and family life, with all the sadness and happiness, we can see the Lord walking with us.”
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