LOUDfence: Catholic and Anglican Churches stand together against abuse
minute read
April 8, 2024

The Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool and the Anglican Diocese of Liverpool joined forces for the inaugural Ecumenical LOUDfence Event on Saturday 9 March.

This ground-breaking initiative aimed to provide a platform for all those affected by abuse, offering healing and support through a visible demonstration of solidarity.

The event began with a ribbon-tying ceremony outside the Anglican Cathedral at 12:30pm, followed by a Non-Denominational Blessing from Dean of the Anglican Cathedral Rev Susan Jones.

Participants then embarked on a Walk of Hope along Hope Street, culminating at the Metropolitan Cathedral Plaza. Upon arrival, a Prayer Service held by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon and a ribbon-tying ceremony allowed attendees to express solidarity with victims and survivors of abuse.

Those who wished to were encouraged to read the LOUDfence prayer together. Attendees came from around the archdiocese and beyond, with some travelling from as far as West Yorkshire.

LOUDfence, a survivor-led initiative, empowers individuals to share their stories and seek support. Originating in Australia in 2015, it has evolved into a movement promoting healing and reconciliation, led by Antonia Sobocki in Cumbria since 2020.

This ecumenical event welcomed individuals from diverse backgrounds, inviting survivors, supporters, and community members to stand together against abuse. Attendees were encouraged to tie ribbons and leave messages of support as a visible symbol of support, fostering a network of compassion and understanding.

The subsequent days saw both cathedrals engage in prayer and reflection, offering resources and support for victims and survivors of abuse. LOUDfence reaffirms the commitment of faith communities and wider society to address and prevent harm, echoing Pope Francis' call for compassion and care.

By participating in LOUDfence, individuals contributed to a collective effort to raise awareness, break stigma, and create a supportive environment for those affected by abuse.

Through acts of solidarity and compassion, the event emphasised the importance of community support in the journey towards healing and reconciliation.

A collection of photos of the messages of support left on the LOUDfence is available to see on the Archdiocese of Liverpool’s Flickr page.

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