Social Action
Latest Social Action Conference a success
minute read
July 18, 2024

More than 70 people attended the St Margaret Clitherow Centre for the latest Social Action Conference.

Of those people who attended, there was representation from Housing Justice, Hope into Action, Our Warm Welcome, Share Knowsley, Nugent, Together Liverpool, the Santa Marta Group and others.

The day started with Archbishop Malcolm McMahon blessing the Conference, before a table discussion on various issues around homes, housing and land. There were also speeches from Beki Winter (Housing Justice), Canon Andrea Titterington and Laura Cuthill (Hope into Action).

Following that, everybody split into four unique workshops with different themes. They were: Where Faith meets Housing (conducted by Beki Winters), Introduction to Asylum and Refugee Awareness raising (conducted by Dcn Kevin Duffy), Care for Creation (conducted by Linda Morris and Clare Wakefield) and the 2025 Jubilee: Pilgrims of Hope (conducted by Pablo Guidi and Elizabeth Parsons).

During the lunch break, Emma from Nugent said: “It's been a brilliant day. It's been very collaborative, lots of really great conversations and really thought-provoking conversations.

“I’m looking forward to going away and thinking about what we can do from Nugent, as our part, to do for the Jubilee next year.”

Meanwhile, Brian from Safe Regeneration, a charity based in Bootle, added: “It was really nice to come together as a group of people, but everyone has the same intentions of making best use of community, facilities and churches.

“And making sure that whatever the resulting project is based upon community needs and most in need in our communities.

After lunch, everybody was welcomed back by The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor of Liverpool Councillor Richard Kemp, who spoke about his experiences in politics and how he gets involved with Social Action.

James Green of Together Liverpool, then delivered a talk on How to conduct effective community evaluation.

The event was then closed by Social Action Coordinator Pablo Guidi and the archbishop’s delegate for Catholic Social Action Sr Lynne Baron.  If you would like to sign up for future Network events please register here.