Pastoral Development
Could you be our new Parish and Deanery Adviser?
minute read
September 5, 2023

Our Pastoral Development Department is currently recruiting for a new Parish and Deanery Adviser, a role which will play a pivotal role in helping the archdiocese carry out our pastoral plan.

The post will work collaboratively with clergy and lay people, individuals and groups within parishes and deaneries, and with their colleagues in the Department and beyond.

The principal focus of this role is to help the local church (deaneries and parishes) to discern, implement and evaluate their vision and strategic direction in line with the Pastoral Plan, identify local development needs, and help channel resources and tools to the local church.

We catch up with Pablo Guidi, Elizabeth Parsons and Jonathan McGuirk from the Pastoral Development Department to find out more about what life on the team is like:

Q: What is it like to work in the Pastoral Development Department?

A: Pablo: For me it is a real blessing to work with people in parishes and see the good work people are doing and living out their faith. It’s a real privilege to serve the Church.

Elizabeth: It is the job I have always wanted as I have always been so connected with my parish. For a long time, I have wanted to see what help I can be to the Church as it grows and changes with all the new challenges we are facing. It is a privilege to work with such a lovely group of people and to be amongst colleagues who understand your point of view.

Jonathan: The job is also very challenging, but when things go well it is so rewarding. We are looking forward to welcoming someone who is motivated to take on the challenge, is a team player and loves the idea of facilitating the Church.

Q: What exciting things do you have in the pipeline?

A: Elizabeth: The rest of this year is looking very busy as we have the latest cohort of students starting the Loyola course and we have a Catechist course running in October. We are also planning lectures at Hope University on Vatican II exploring four constitution papers.

2024 is also shaping up to be a busy year as the new lectionary will be coming out in November, which means there will be more opportunities for readers and liturgists over the next year.

In 2025, we will be celebrating the jubilee year so there are lots of exciting things that will be happening in the build up to this.

Pablo: I’m looking forward to continuing to support all of the good social action that is happening in parishes and helping the Church be more vocal about social injustice. There’s also lots of work we will be doing on care for the creation.

Q: What’s your biggest achievement since you joined?

A: Jonathan: For me, it is helping to facilitate the team to grow together. I have supported big events which is always hard work but so rewarding when they go well. I have enjoyed growing and developing through training opportunities to to get better at my job.

Pablo: I’m proud of forming social action networks that brought together both churches and social justice organisations to shape our action going forward. I have facilitated several networking events which in total has brought together over 140 people and I look forward to taking this forward.

Elizabeth: Earlier this year we facilitated an autism event with Rev Dr Sue Hartley and it was wonderful to receive such positive feedback. Attendees found it very valuable and people had successfully used the tools to help welcome people into our parishes which is great. This is something I want to offer in more depth and give more opportunities to those with disabilities to play a larger role in our Church.

Q: What is the best thing about your job?

A: Jonathan: The people, not just in my department but every person in the archdiocesan office. Everyone is so welcoming here and there isn’t any competitiveness, we all work together to achieve the same goals.

Elizabeth: I have to agree with Jonathan. For every challenge you may face, there are people here to help you resolve them to create a solution. It is great to be part of the larger team at the archdiocesan office but to also work with the people in the parishes. They are so generous with helping and giving up their time which is very inspiring.

Pablo: The best thing for me is being able to integrate faith into my work.

For more information or to apply, visit, applications will close on Monday 11 September.