Congratulations Fr John on your silver jubilee
minute read
April 11, 2023

On 13April 2023, Fr John Hindley celebrates his silver jubilee of being ordained into the priesthood.

Fr John is now the parish priest of Holy Name and Our Lady & St Philomena Churches in Fazakerley. Prior to that, he has served in parishes in Shevington and Standish, Isle of Man and Toxteth. We speak to Fr John as he reflects on the past 25 years in the priesthood…

He said: “I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a priest. When I marry a couple, I ask them how do you know that this person is the one? It is the same with priesthood, you just have this irresistible attraction and I witnessed God’s pull towards vocation.

“I went to Ushaw seminary when I was 18 and completed six years of training. Once I was ordained as a deacon, I completed a PGCE at Durham University and became a qualified RE teacher.

“I knew that I wanted to be a priest, but the PGCE gave me some invaluable skills of how to work with children which I use now with children attending my Masses and when I visit my local schools or when they come to the Churches for Mass.”

Fr John was ordained into the priesthood on 13April 1998 at St William’s Church, Ince. He said: “My home parish is in Southport but I did a placement at St William’s so I decided to have my ordination there, it was a joyous occasion filled with family, friends and parishioners.”

When reflecting on his time as a priest, Fr John said: “Everyday is different, of course you have your set routines such assaying Mass, but the priesthood still very much has the potential to surprise.

“When I came to this parish in 2020, I started visiting the local prison HMP Altcourse and I celebrate Mass there every week. I did some training with young offenders when I was in seminary but I haven’t worked with prisoners since, so every parish you are in brings new opportunities.

“I really enjoy the fact that the Church is a big part of the community, it’s where people go to in times of crisis and bereavement. To offer them support and comfort when they are in need is very rewarding.”

During the past 25 years, Fr John has witnessed many highlights: “The things that spring to mind are going on two World Youth Days to Rio and Krakow and going on pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Lourdes. It’s a great experience to gather with the worldwide Church.

“What is really exciting for our archdiocese at the moment is the impact of Synod and the implementation of the Pastoral Plan. The Plan reflects the need that people and priests need each other and it provides an opportunity to build on the gifts that everyone has.”

When asked what was next for him in his journey as a priest, Fr John simply said: “To be faithful in everyday life.”

To mark his silver jubilee, Fr John will say Mass at 7pm at Holy Name Church on Thursday 13 April, followed by a function – all are welcome to attend.