Churches Together: Listening to the Voices of Young People
minute read
March 11, 2025

On Tuesday 21 January, representatives from various Christian denominations gathered at the St Margaret Clitherow Centre for a networking event focused on Hearing the Voices of Young People.

The event was opened by Rev Phil Jump, Regional Minister for the North West Baptist Association and Chair of Churches Together in the Merseyside Region. Rev. Jump began by leading the attendees in the Nicene Creed, marking the 1700th anniversary of its adoption at the First Council of Nicaea in 325.

During the event, the group heard from three speakers posing three questions to those in attendance. The first, Alice Tonks, a Salvation Army Youth Worker, asked: “What are you prepared to sacrifice for the sake of engaging the under-26 generation?”

Mike Sutcliffe, a Children’s Worker with the Methodist Church, followed with: “How can we help people under 26 to know that Jesus is their firm foundation?”

Finally, Esther Walters, a Baptist Church intern and part of the under-26 demographic, posed a challenging question: “What is the biggest barrier in the Church you see to engaging with people under 26?”

Attendees discussed these questions in table groups before breaking for lunch. In the afternoon, participants had the opportunity to put their reflections and ideas into writing.

Rebecca Hooton, Huyton Deanery Schools and Youth Worker, shared her thoughts on the event: “To be able to network, share stories and pray for one another and for the work we do - and others do - with young people is something I am thankful for.

"I really hope that another gathering like this can take place again to continue these important discussions, opportunities to network and share stories, and most importantly to pray for one another and for our young people.”

Asish Varghese, Youth and Children’s Ministry Team Leader at Carmel MarThoma Church, Liverpool, added: “Overall, I left the event feeling encouraged and uplifted.

“Spending the day together and listening to insightful inputs, sharing stories, and connecting with others, was a reminder of the strength that comes from unity in diversity.

“It was a beautiful reminder of the power of prayer, dialogue, and mutual respect in our journey toward greater Christian unity.”

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