Benemerenti for Tom Walsh MBE
minute read
February 12, 2024

There was great rejoicing at St Patrick’s Church, Wigan, on Gaudete Sunday as Tom Walsh MBE received the Benemerenti Award.

The Award recognises and celebrates outstanding service to the Church and is awarded by Pope Francis.

Tom’s Benemerenti was in recognition of his long-standing and tireless dedication to the Wigan and District Catholic Men’s Society, along with his involvement in local Catholic history and service to Catholic Education; Tom has been a Foundation Governor for over forty years.

The Award was presented by Parish Priest and Wigan CMS Chaplain, Father Ian O’Shea, to rapturous applause. Tom and his wife, Eileen, spoke of their shock and surprise at him receiving the Award and Tom recalled, with great fondness, a number of people who had helped him in his various commitments to the Church.

Later, parishioners enjoyed celebrating with the couple and sharing memories.

Tom’s Benemerenti follows his receiving of the MBE from the late Queen Elizabeth II in the 2016 New Year’s Honours List for services to the local community.

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