Archdiocese of Liverpool embarks on fifth Ukrainian trip during the week of Eurovision
minute read
April 28, 2023

Volunteers from The Archdiocese of Liverpool are set to leave for the Ukrainian border next week to deliver essential aid as part of the #Liverpool4Ukraine appeal.

Three vans, driven by six volunteers will be making the six-day journey during the week of Eurovision to further strengthen the links between the city and Ukraine.

Among the drivers are Martin Miller, chief operating officer at the archdiocese,office manager Sharne Kelso, Antony McLoughlin whose wife Helen works for the archdiocese along with three volunteers from Greenmount Projects who have supported the appeal since the beginning.

The vans, which will leave early in the morning on Saturday 6 May, will be carrying dried food and building tools which will be delivered directly to Bishop Gregory Komar, from the Ukrainian diocese of Sambir-Drohobych, who will take the goods for distribution in the Lviv region of western Ukraine.  Bishop Gregory is the auxiliary bishop of the diocese and has a close association with the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

Martin Miller said: “The archdiocese’s first trip to Ukraine was over a year ago backi n March 2022. It is heartbreaking that the war is ongoing and there is still need for us to do this, but the personal approach of delivering the aid it directly to Bishop Gregory is so important for them which is why we are continuing to make this journey.

“We decided for the fifth trip to be on the same week as Eurovision as we wanted to further strengthen the links between Liverpool and Ukraine.”

The #Liverpool4Ukraine appeal would not be possible without donations from the public. Donations are still welcome and more details of how to donate can be found here:

Ukrainian priest Fr Taras Khomych and Canon Aidan Prescott will bless the vans and the drivers on Friday 5 May at 3pm at the St Margaret Clitherow Centre, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool, L17 1AA. All are welcome to attend.

As part of our Eurovision celebrations, we have written a Eurovision prayer which we would welcome everyone to say and keep the people of Ukraine, Bishop Gregory and our volunteer drivers in your thoughts and prayers:

Risen Lord Jesus,

Help us to be your light to the world of today. We know you are with us always in your word and in your Sacraments, in those we love and in the poor.

Help us to see you in the poor, the suffering and the lost.

As we celebrate a song for Europe here in Liverpool. We pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine that our song would be peace for the world, peace for Ukraine and peace in our homes and hearts. May Your Vision be our vision and become Europe’s vision.
