A Tapestry of Faith: St Joseph’s Celebrates Cultural Diversity on Pentecost Sunday
minute read
July 9, 2024

On a beautifully sunny Pentecost Sunday, St Joseph’s, Penketh, hosted a celebration of all the different cultures within the parish.

Even before Mass began, there were flags outside showing off the culture and diversity of the parish.

The procession was then led in by an Indian band, with Fr Raymond Anyanwu, parish priest, and the altar servers coming in behind.

Fr Raymond explained in his homily; “It doesn’t matter where we all come from. We are all part of the one body of Christ.”

After the homily, it was time for the bidding prayers, and it was a truly unique experience, as several people came up and said a prayer in their mother tongue.

There were prayers said in English, Scottish (Gaelic), Irish(Gaelic), Filipino, Indian, Hindi and Ukrainian among others.

During Communion, Fr Raymond also invited all those present at Mass to say the Our Father in their native language. He also invited the children who had recently made their First Holy Communion onto the altar.

After Mass, the band once again led the procession out and performed in the Church yard as people gathered and enjoyed the music.

Everybody was then invited to St Joseph’s Parish Centre, which is on the same site, to continue the celebration.

The centre was draped in all different flags, and there was a big buffet celebrating some of the different foods from the countries represented.

After the event, Fr Raymond said: “It was a truly joyous occasion. From the beautiful weather we had, to celebrating our heritage in all the different ways we did.

“It was also a chance for us to celebrate Pentecost, and allow the Holy Spirit to light up inside us.”

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